“I need to lose weight before I start working out”
If I had a dollar for every time I heard some version of this, I wouldn’t be very rich, but I could probably take my fiancé out for a fancy dinner.
This statement used to make me shake my head with confusion. Internally I was saying “Uh, hey dumbass, that’s what exercise is for!!”
Thankfully I never said that out loud, and even more thankfullier (that’s a word now) I learned what people making that statement actually meant.
Humans have a great aversion to risk, and will largely avoid unnecessary risk as much as possible. “Getting in shape” is a daunting task, and comes with a large set of fears and unknowns.
If you already lack confidence in your physical appearance and abilities, walking into a place you perceive everyone else to be in great shape is intimidating. And what if someone makes fun of you, or judges you, or laughs at your inability, or mocks you, or tells you you’re a big dummy face poopy pants who doesn’t belong in the gym??????
I’ve never seen any of those things happen, but those are the thoughts going thru some people’s minds. So when someone says they need to lose weight before they start working out or going to a gym, it’s really a self protecting mechanism to avert as much uncomfortableness as possible. It’s an attempt to fit in before they try to fit in. It’s a mental block and a story people tell themselves to stop them from taking action.
In almost two decades as a health and wellness coach, I’ve heard all the excuses. However, this one is often a clue that someone really does want to do something, they’re just scared.
And that’s ok!
If this is you, the question you must ask is this: how much of a priority is my health, and will I allow my fear to keep me from moving towards my most elite self?
There are times in life we will all be scared. The first day of kindergarten, the first time you drive alone, when you move out on your own, when you hold a baby, when you lose your job, when you lose a loved one, when you get a bad diagnosis, and the list goes on. We live in a dynamic environment and it doesn’t always go as planned.
But if we truly want to LIVE, then we must face the fear head on, acknowledge it, then take away its power and move forward. I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s the correct and necessary course of action.
What do you keep telling yourself has to happen before you can ________? Health, relationships, business, finances…you can fill in the blanks in any area and uncover where you’re holding yourself back. Once it’s revealed, you can then take action.
Face your fear, and do it anyway! You’ll never regret doing anything to make yourself better. And if there’s anything I can help you with to improve your fitness, nutrition, and mindset, let me know!
Aaannnddd GO!!